Supply Calendar

Colour Variety Jan Feb Mar Apr May Grape Description
Green Menindee Seedless A large, oval seedless grape with light green skin and a crisp, fresh-tasting flesh. Menindee Seedless are considered one of the best eating grapes.
Ivory Seedless Ivory™ is an early season ripening variety, producing extra-large, uniform green seedless berries with a crisp texture and sweet neutral flavour.
Sweet Globe Sweet Globe™ thin skin, very crunchy texture and good flavour – with low acidity.
Long White Seedless
Thompson Seedless Thompson Seedless is very sweet and produces thin clusters of large berries in large, long bunches.
Sugar Crisp Sugar Crisp™ excellent colour, crispy firm texture and a good neutral flavour of low acidity.
Cotton candy Cotton Candy™ producing a unique “cotton candy” flavour.
Red Ralli Seedless Ralli Seedless, red seedless, pale pink to red in colour, with thick, tough skin, firm crisp flesh, with a neutral and mild muscat flavour.
Long Crimson Long Crimson Seedless grapes are bright red, large, cylindrical-long and seedless. The berries are crisp and firm, long and seedless with a thick, tough skin, and firm crisp flesh with a neutral flavour.
Itum 7
Crimson Seedless Crimson Seedless grapes are bright red, large, cylindrical-oval and seedless. The berries are crisp and firm, oval and seedless with a thick, tough skin, and firm crisp flesh with a neutral flavour.
Sweet Calibration Sweet Celebration™ A naturally large oval-shaped berry, crispy firm textured berry in medium clusters.
Black Itum 12
Melody Seedless Good natural colour and an intense fruity flavour, Melody™
Sweet Favors Sweet Favors™ firm flesh and good flavour, Oval to elongated berries.
Sweet Sapphire Sweet Sapphire™ naturally large berry with an unusual shape – elongated tubular with a dimpled, crisp berries with good flavour.